the most fascinating thing going on in my life now is the 3 dinners a week i cook w ppl very unused to cooking
things that fascinate me abt the actions of these ppl unused to cooking:
-stir very diffidently esp when stirring in pan
-seem to believe that turning the heat down on anything will do nothing but give them more time to stir/turn/etc
more stuff abt the ppl inexperienced w cooking:
-bad at "chunking;" will do stuff like throw garlic into the pan & then read the recipe to see what happens next!!! omg i stand by w water now
-different set of gross out reactions than me. will be grossed out by raw stuff
they also seem very surprised by the amount of "touching food directly w hands" that happens in the cooking process. sorry guys hands are useful
im not saying any of this to make fun of them, they're learning pretty fast, i would feel very confident w eg rm making oven fries from scratch by himself now. but it legitimately does fascinate me that they not only don't know things but have consistent misapprehensions
their mutual bête noire seems to be anything involving oil in a pan. boiling & baking seem much more available to them. i think they could definitely make a baked pasta casserole from scratch now
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