A complete guide for beginners to begin with their 'Social Media Detox'.

So, as promised here's my experience with it.

Stick with it, it's gonna be a beautiful thread!

Read Along! 🧵
Here are the preparations you need to do a night before.

1. Prepare a to-do list.

2. Customize your phone 'home' screen. Remove all the apps from there and keep only productive applications.

3. Turn off the notifications of unnecessary apps.
4. When going to sleep, keep your phone ringer volume loud and turn off the 'Notification' sound.

5. And keep your phone in a different room. Or, if you need an alarm for it, keep it far away from your reach.
Day 1: When you wake up, drink a glass of water and then begin your day with meditation or yoga or workout.

• Don't touch your phone until you're having breakfast.

As we all are working from home, we have enough time and that's where we do internet surfing the most.
How to not do that unnecessary scrolling?

• Stick to your to-do lists and cut off tasks.
• Do all your work and take regular intervals.

During the intervals don't use smartphones, if it's required you can.

What do at regular intervals? Well,
1. Listen to music.
2. Grab a drink (fruit juice) or have a fruit.
3. Deep breathe.

Instead of "unnecessary surfing" on the internet, read books, do Meditation, or Workout.
I know, some of you are addicted to it and it looks hard but it isn't. For a guy like me who works online, all-day can do, then you can do it too!

When you are attached to a goal by heart and want to improve, nothing can divert you from it.
Allot time for your social media.

For example:

Instagram: 2 hours.

Twitter: 2 hours.

LinkedIn: 1 hour.

Set time according to your requirement.

(The allotted time looks long but it's your first day :P)
Prepare your social media content meanwhile and schedule it.

Doing this saves a lot of time.

Practice this for a few days and keep a journal for the record.
Remember one thing, you might get a lot of time in between where you will use social media, but you need to find different alternatives for it. Like painting, dancing, etc.

Or simply uninstall the applications. And install it when you want to use it.
During the process when you're on a detox period, you'll have a lot of SELF TALKS with your inner-self.

You'll have a lot of thoughts coming to your brain about your future, career, or business.

Some of them might be negative or positive. Some may give you a positive vibe.
Read books, blogs, meditate and you may find your answer.

PRO TIP: Use PC for all your research. Don't use your smartphone for that.
You might be having this question, "How will I feel if I continue to do this for a week-long?"

Here's my personal experience:

• You'll realize that you have a lot of time, and you will devote it to the other tasks.
• Your thinking power improves, as you're reading a lot.
• You'll find your purpose in life (a pro can only get this).
• You'll have a great sleeping schedule.
• You have a positive mindset.
• You value your time more.
• You imagine and think positive for yourself.
Here was my short guide on the 'Social Media Detox' and my experience and learning from it.

Hope you had a great time learning about it.

Feel free to drop your suggestions below.

Like and RT if you felt this thread was helpful to you in any way.

Thanks for reading!

Smile :)
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