India's rural rape crises is not something that can be solved overnight. Understand one thing... There is a significant portion of India that is yet to be civilised, in a modern sense. For them, rape is a right of passage. The weaker the victim the bigger the badge of honour...
People like you, who can read this... Have been civilised over generations. That's why you know, rape, murder, theft, lying and hypocrisy are "wrong". This "civilising", Western moralism has not happened in the pagan value system infested villages of India...
Civil behaviour in this sense works on incentivising certain acceptable behaviour and penalising the bad. You cannot come in to morally question pagan village scum when they do bad and ignore them when they show some civilised behaviour. This ... Is our fault.
You cannot suddenly jump on Thakurs when they rape and kill Dalits. For them, they don't believe it's wrong. Their fake religion tells them they will be higher castes in the next life for it. Your outrage literally makes no sense to them.
The correct action was to modernise and save BOTH Thakurs and Dalits from the clutches and chains of the majority pagan religion of institutional slavery. Science, English, Critical thought, bringing industrialisation to the badlands. This is what didn't happen.
English language education, exposure to Western thought, Financially incentivising women and Dalits to be better than upper castes, Rationalism, Socialism and Ambedkar thought should be basics.
And when I say Socialism, I mean teaching an entire generation that their one and only fealty should be to their Society. To organise to improve their environment, the people, the economy. Make people realise they don't need Gods, they just need themselves and their collective.
It was too late for too many Dalit women but it is not too late for the next generation. Think hard how you can take from this thread and do something....

Lal Salaam ✊
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