daily check up from min yoongi to for gev (+free pass so dw about the fee) —:; a lovely thread
there never goes a day where we don't say hello in this household so hello gev !
i hope you're doing well today and that you had a good time yesterday watching the con
so first of all we need u to smile so we can start with ease and forget about your problems even for just a while
if you dont feel like smiling then thats perfectly okay aswell , just give me a warm little smile
i hope you already ate today and that you're feeling better physically and mentally♡
if not then you can always hmu and tell me whats bothering you, don't be afraid to voice out ur problems but only tell me if ure comfortable tho!
pls always remember that i will always be by your side no matter what and that i will do everything that i can to make u feel loved
its perfectly fine if you don't know what to feel in different kinds of situations or if you're questioning what you feel ! not everything has to be answered immediately :]
and just because you cry doesn't make me any less proud of you. everyone has their breakdowns from time to time. you can't force a smile and you most certainly can't keep an act for an eternity :]
you don't need to feel pressured to make me proud♡ im already happy to see you appreciate all my efforts into showering you with the care you deserve
negativity gets the best of us sometimes and it can never be avoided but theres always a colorful rainbow after a storm :]
you're not gonna face your problems alone and im gonna be there to back you up with whatever shit life pushes us through
i hope you'll have a good day ahead of you gev, ilysm
Eu vou te amar por toda a eternidade e estou planejando mantê-lo assim por muito tempo
—End of thread (hopefully google translate didn't mess it up)
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