So as an LFC fan myself, I have wrankled my brethren because I pointed out that the (to them) great bill shankley did not bring on Black Players.

Now: thread

Now, as a fan, I understand not bad mouthing your team. Sure. And being respectful of its history, I get that..

But, as an adult, this is the reality of the team I love:

Liverpool (the city) is Maybe not Bristol racist, but its pretty damn racist.

It did not have its first Black first team player signed until 1980, being amongst the last to do it.

Its greatest Manager Bill Shankley

Who managed from 1959-1974 (the year i was born) never brought on a single player.

Liverpool's first black player was Howard Gayle. He came to Liverpool in its youth program in 1974. Shankley, retired in 1974.

It was said that Shankley had to have been influential in..

Him being signed as a youth player.

Doubt it.

Either way, Shankley, had every opportunity to bring on Black players into the first team and did not. As a black person, I am well within my right to hold him accountable for that shitty decision.

Now, was it him, politics...

Or the fans? Remember, liverpool, like all of England, then and now, is racist as hell.

In 1974, it still supported Rhodesia. Black people were shut out of everything. Hell, they're still shut out of Coaching and whens the last time you saw a black Ref @FA ?

The fact that as a black person, I can still support @LFC despite the history of racism is a testimony to the love I have/had for John Barnes.

THAT is why I am a liverpool fan. Not because of fucking bill shankley.

Liverpool, to ME doesn't exist before 1980.

Now, the same POSs that think I'm bringing up nonsense are why all of the BLM stuff is going on in the UK.

Your idiocy is also why you morons can't get this virus under control (admitted, Americans are idiots too).

Liverpool as a team, and organization and city WERE RACIST!


I think stevie G is a POS for wearing the shirt supporting Suarez. Howard Gayle did too. And LFC banned him.

But, im somehow the bad guy?

Henderson at least apologized, which I can accept. STEVIE G didn't, so fuck him and Suarez.


Your society, team, city, and culture is PURE SHIT. you should fix that before you try to come for me.

This is YOUR city fans talking about Liverpool the club and Fans.

You folks.


Howard Gayle...."Im a liverpool fan, but I'm Black First."

If you accept racism, your a damn racist.

So, was shankley a great? To some. But not me. And that's ok. Its only me who's opinion matters TO ME.
Now, its been said, "there weren't any black players in the 60s and 70s."

Thats bullshit. Black players were all over. 99.9% were shut out of almost all teams. So was LFC the only racist club? No. But the convo was about LFC, and I'm holding MY team accountable.

Now, people have a problem with me using the word "Aversion."

Let me ask you all this: how many Black refs are there in the premiere league or even the Championship in 2020?


The FA has an Aversion to hiring Black refs.

What opportunities to Black players have to transition to coaching?

If Gerrard or Lampert were Black, they would not have their positions at Rangers or Chelsea. FACT.

If Klopp was Paul Ince or Chris Houghton, he wouldn't be the LFC manager, winner at Dortmund or not.


T Henry, even with so many African arsenal fans WILL NEVER MANAGE ARSENAL.

Nuno, is the only Black Manager. If he identifies as black vs then great.

But through all of that, LFC is my team. And John Barnes is the greatest LFC player EVER.

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