hi i just want to share this special moment with you again since it's #NationalComingOutDay

actually my mom already knew im gay bc she caught me a lot of times na and it had to go through a lot of arguments and breakdowns before she actually accepted me đŸ„ș https://twitter.com/Titelllll/status/1302910660716576768
like any other homosexuals she would often say it's just a phase and she's still praying that i'll change by time

i could still remember in one of our arguments she told me that i'm not "normal" daw for liking women and that broke my heart so bad.
unlike my siblings,, i was always so distant from my parents since i don't know if they would truly love me the way i am (char oa pero it's true i really felt like this at that time)
so when she started to accept my gender she told our relatives (in front of me) that im gay and that she's slowly accepting it because she don't want me to be distant anymore, she wants me to open up to her like how my sister is with her
even though i've received a lot of "sayang man te bright man ka tapos gwapa pa dyud kaayo para matomboy" at that day, i was so happy that my mom would do her best to accept me just bc she wants to closer to me, just because she wouldn't want me to fight my battles alone. đŸ„ș
it wasn't easy me and i think for other homosexuals out there too. i made this thread to tell you that sometimes, coming out wouldn't be as what we want it to be but hold on tight, your parents love you and they would accept who you are no matter what your gender is
maybe not now, maybe they're still in shock, but eventually they would.

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