This is Ghengis Khan.

Ghengis Khan was born in 1162 and never touched a smartphone once in his life.

He built an empire stretching from Iraq to the coast of China, without a brand manager or a marketing agency.
Ghengis Khan commanded an army of over 100000 men without ever wondering if his diet was keto enough.

You wanna know why no photos of Ghengis Khan exist?

Cause he never once posed in a mirror thinking about how his abs are getting more visible.
When questioned about his thoughts on gender equality, Ghengis Khan slaughtered the entire press gallery.

He then had his biographer record his official gender as "Conqueror".
Ghengis Khan never finished a single video game.

The very thought of pouring his life down the toilet, sitting in front of a QHD screen, enraged him enough to burn down your parents' village.
One time when Ghengis Khan was cruising on the freeway late at night,

some punks pulled up next to him and offered to race him.

Ghengis Khan had his men throw plague infected corpses through the windows of those competitors.

It was wild man, you should have been there.
Ghengis Khan never touched a twitter growth guide in his life.

His empire will never be forgotten.

You've just purchased your fourth twitter growth guide and you still can't get anyone to remember your name.
Maybe you need a little less growth guide,

and a little more Ghengis.
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