I guess I let the cat out of the bag that I make some really good money making vidya.

So, here is my advice who wish to follow in my footsteps.
2. Pick an engine you are comfortable with. I use Godot & Unity for may games. I'd use Godot exclusively but I need Unity to release to XBox, Nintendo, Playstation.
3. Your first ten games will suck. Get them out of the way but release them. Get the feedback.

Pong, Breakout, Tetris, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Joust, Combat, Adventure, Pitfall should be your first games.

Change and twist them up to make them your own. Release them.
4. http://itch.io  is your best friend. Release games on there for free with pay what you want.

If you can make $100 off of that then release on Steam as you will need that $100 to release on Steam.
5. Your first game isn't going to make you wealthy.

Your first ten games probably won't make you wealthy.

It's progression. Make a lot of games in order to make better games.
6. Release for Windows, Linux and Mac if you decide to make PC games.

If you decide to make console games cover Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation too.
7. Grow a thick skin. Especially on Steam. People will leave "very honest" reviews. Learn to make better games from them but don't let them eat you up. Find that seperation.
9. Keep making games. Invest any monies you make into marketing.

Personally I find marketers online using sites like Fiver and etc.

Marketing is your life blood. If nobody knows you've made a game then nobody will buy it.
10. When you get done making one game and release it then start on your next game.

In other words, Make Lots Of Games.

The more games you make the better you will get at making good games.

Don't release crap.
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