It’s coming up to 9pm on Sunday night in Melbourne - let me tell you what’s happening: people have fed, bathed and put their kids to bed. They’ve read them a story, the child asks why is Daddy home so much and why is he so worried? Why is Mummy crying a so often...
...the kids don’t understand economics, but they know that they can’t see grandma or hug their cool gay uncle. They don’t understand why. The grown up says ‘remember the virus? We have to keep everyone safe from the virus and wear masks & wash our hands’. The kid falls asleep...
...the grown up takes a few minutes to take out the rubbish - then goes to their office and looks at the computer - they fire up excel and see all those red numbers. They have to pay wages and super for staff this week. Job keeper helps - but rent on the cafe is due next week...
... the takings for the last month averaged $150 a week. Insurance, gas, electricity, that stupid wifi plan for customers who never come all need to be paid... they feel trapped, like they can’t breathe. This person is desperate to the right thing for their kids and community...
...They didn’t start that coffee shop to get rich, they started it so they could take the arvo off & get the kids from school, franchise fees also have to be paid... the plumber has a Reese bill due, he feels lucky that he is still getting calls, but everyone asks for credit...
The grown-up looks at the flat they bought to rent out - the real estate agent takes 12.5% to manage it - but they haven’t had a tennent since we stopped accepting international students - the agent is now advertising the unit for 30% less than the mortgage payment...
Your hurting, Victoria, I know you’re hurting because some of you email me about this time of the night - you write to a stranger because he seems cool, and angry too, it’s like he will “get it” in a way these hopeless politicians don’t...
...You want to know how I think this ends - how we get back to normal. Or, what it takes to make our politicians listen. The striking thing about these emails is that you’re always concerned about how I’m holding up (truthfully I’m fine). You want to know how we got here...
... you already know how we got here though. Dan lied. You’re not worried about revenge, you’re worried about survival. You want to do the right thing, by everyone, and you aren’t sure that we’re on the right path.

You’re not alone, Victoria, and we will get through.
I wish I had a better answer for each of you - I really do. You’re doing everything you can, keep going, we will get this prick out of office eventually. #springst #auspol
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