Sometimes, in times and places they think they can get away with it gender ideology is also code for lesbian, gay or bisexual too.

Wendy knows what's up here? Why don't most people?
This tweet was the one that inspired this series of screenshots in fact.
This doesn't talk about gender ideology but is yet another example of the GC Ideology that "gender" is just a trans thing and noone else has one.
This observation isn't my novel one, I was prompted to make this thread by @WendyCrossArt, as well as discussion with @Finn_Mackay in DMs,but also have been thinking this way since seeing "why is gender a man in a dress" by Polish Feminist Agnieszka Graff
(she was talking about the "gender ideology" conspiracy theory movement back in 2014, long before the "gender critical" movement sprang into visibility and adopted it themselves, which I think is a really important part of understanding that it really is a conspiracy theory mvmt)
The flip side of this use of Gender as code for Trans, is covered in this thread where I discuss the ways that "gender critical" people identify their genders/gendered roles as central to how they describe themselves while pretending to be abolitionists.
In Gender Critical land, #GenderIsCodeForTrans
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