Since it’s still #WorldMentalHealthDay for a few minutes in the States, I’m going to talk about Isolation && how it’s been hard on my mental health.

TW: Eating Disorders. Food. Mental Illness.
I am an Eating Disorder survivor. Survivor. It never goes away && eating disorders thrive in isolation. The only thing that has kept me from swinging back into my full on anorexia habits is: MY BIG IMPORTANT MEDS NEED CALORIES TO WORK
I say BIG IMPORTANT MEDS cause they’re the ones that keep the major Big Big mental illness at bay.
I know we shouldn’t tier mental illnesses blah blah blah. But trust me on this.

Anyway. I am also a horrible cook. Cause I don’t care about food. Cause eating disorder. I eat what’s fast, simple, easy, && not much of it.
Problem is, when I’m tired or depressed or over anxious: I don’t want to make an actual meal which means I don’t eat enough calories which means I feel great cause THINNER ... but my meds start to glitch
This is all happening cause I have no one watching me/seeing me/I’m alone. So I think I can get away with it even though I know I’m doing not enough of what I need to do to stay functioning.
So when the news is awful (A LOT) or life keeps stepping on me (A LOT), I’m back to eating very little cause making a full set of meals is too exhausting. Cause being disabled I don’t have abled people energy.
So Isolation breeds && festers this idea that Eating Disorders can get away with their BS.

Which is cruel.
I’m throwing this meme up cause everyone I’ve met with an Eating Disorder is a strong friend:
But please. If you know someone who’s an Eating Disorder survivor, whether they’re alone or not right now, if you’re able, check in on them???

They might not be okay.
You can follow @kurellian.
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