> Wealth generating,luck bringing tweets
> RT to generate luck &c.
> Collate them all into one thread
> RT-ing thread = RT-ing all of them
> luck x 100
> Soon threads are compiled by notable twitterers, collating the most benefic posts
> People RT these threads... https://twitter.com/UNBOTHEREDas_/status/1314401942538510336
> 2080
> Every new year's day old twitter accounts, day RT "Seth's merit thread" or "Block's lucky chain" etc.
"Daddy,why do you RT this thread"
"Well, my daddy taught me to RT it every new year for good luck"
"What's inside it?"
"Don't' know; all the links were lost long ago"
> Daoist priest Wang squatting in an abandoned building
>"This must be some temple"
> He detects an unusual draft
> Traces it to a sealed-off room
> discovers Intact server
>Fires it up
> 100000s of tweets discovered
> 2 travellers hear from this.
> Contract to purchase large chunks of the tweets
> Brought, over mountains and valleys, to their home countries
> Eagerly analysed for the next century and a half
You can follow @edwardW2.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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