I have a former mutual who unfollowed me that I really miss being mutuals with yet we're still mutuals on our AD accounts.

I have another former mutual who blocked me and I'm still mutuals with their private vent account.

Hate this website 🙃
The actual answer is they didn't notice they were still following me because these are accounts they rarely use.

But it's like... see? It's not so bad staying connected? Even if you didn't notice? Can we be mutuals again? Please?
Like being mutuals isn't a big deal but... it's not a big deal!

Get it?
Being mutuals doesn't mean we're automatically friends but not being mutuals is a surefire way to never end up being friends.
Not to hold onto false hope but I have had people unfollow me eventually follow me back.

That helps to remember.

I just wanna stay friends.
Like... for that person to have followed me on their AD where they follow 66 people, and for the other person to have let me into their vent account means at one point there was trust there. A connection.

And of course connections fade but I don't know what I did :/
Not to sound like such a bitch but I'm a likable person, dammit.

Maybe I'm sometimes too horny I guess but I have a good heart. This is corroborated by way too many people in my life.

Julia Kaye (NOT who I'm talking about above, to be clear) unfollowed me fucking years ago and it still stings to think about.

I hate this feeling.
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