Honestly thank god disney has been forced to slow their saturation of MCU, I was so sick of it I couldn’t even begin to look forward to the endless death march of content, let alone enjoy the ones I actually liked

Time to see if this still makes me cry like a little bitch
Like I hadn’t noticed this before - even the opening shot you barely notice the nuclear reactor before it gets covered with big yellow text - such a great juxtaposition with “Brandy”, a dopey song with insidious undertones
The D+ sound mix on this is... interesting. Not sure who this was mixed for but I’m having to ride the levels a lot. Like they had a downstairs neighbor they wanted to annoy so they have a center channel that requires a bass that once every twenty minutes makes the building shake
That said not to give them money but this movie looks so good in 4K
“God, you’re like an old woman!”
“What, because I’m wise?”

Sorry I love this screenplay
History will make Drax one of the iconic characters of our era bc he is
the perfect man doesn’t exi—
God Peter is such a prick.

Am saying this with the mental energy it takes to pretend like the Infinity War movies never happened, which is the only way I can enjoy this movie
Thinking about one other film critic who was so down on this movie because it used violence as a metaphor and like... sigh

The literalism of discourse is maddening sometimes.
when a green woman is shooting the giant ridiculous gun on her shoulder at her sister because their father raised them to compete with each other for all things including love and validation, yeah I don’t think it’s a thought crime to use violence to depict their relationship
One of the funniest implications in this movie is that Ego thought Kurt Russell was Peter’s dream dad, but that Hasselfhof was an alternative that he considered, implying that both Kurt Russell and David Hasselhoff exist in the MCU
Best use of editing with 70’s soft rock award
I don’t know if I forgot how much I love the sequence where Peter, off screen, asks every character in the movie one by one if they have any tape to put over the Death Button so it doesn’t get pushed by accident, or if I never mentioned it, but I love it
Other thing I forgot I loved
Fleetwood Mac literally saving the universe is such a 2020 vibe
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