To the Families left behind who their loved ones were not afforded to die in dignity with their families around them & have last words on FaceTime on IPad held by a sobbing 😭 Compassionate Nurse that will have life long unseen scars from the naked eye but will .../2
Need therapy for the long haul just like the grieving families ,The Interns who never dared & dream that, their first year as MDs in training would be like this , the ED Drs & Nurses & supporting Staff that kept praying to get a reprieve../3
Those who know how to pray asking the Universe to please let us all wake up from this nightmare bring us back what we know the best to deal with strokes , heart attacks , car accidents & the unusual we all try to dodge but if you work in ED you have had your share of the Unsual./
I am so sorry to the 215,000 families who will never have a peaceful closure of their loved ones . You will always have a wound that will never heal and exacerbated by someone who has ice water 💦 running in his veins who has been able ...,/5
To recieve amazing treatment that your loved ones were not afforded but their Taxes they paid last year afforded #45 to tell you as you are grieving that Covid that killed your loved ones is a Hoax , it’s nothing to be afraid of . Over 7 million Americans ....,, /6
Have had Covid & will forever have the scars from it who knows what problems lies ahead for them most have no jobs to go back to but have families to support & health issues with no insurance if #AffordableCareAct is taken away /7
The people who have all our lives in their hands are all supposed to be working for all of us , have excellent healthcare, getting paid while we all wait on them to Vote on Stimulus so our Families can be fed , Mortgage/Rent can be paid , Electricity paid .../8
Families are having anxiety attacks even kids cause of being afraid 😱 of the unknown, what’s going to happen tomorrow. Is my Landlord gonna evict me , Lender gonna sell mortgage to Equity Firm that uses hard tactics to harass you. ...
To end .. please don’t be afraid to seek mental help to deal with all this or @ least surround yourself with folks who uplift your spirit and be Kind to Yourself it’s not your fault #Vote .
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