#bkdk a/b/o α!k Ω!D pregnancy lactation fluff

If Izuku is being honest, he feels some shame in moving back to Musutafu after living in Osaka for the past several years. It feels a bit like he failed to make it on his own, and now is crawling home to be closer to his mother.
Don’t get him wrong, he is excited to be near her again, he loves her and had missed her terribly. But coming home because he got pregnant in the big city is not the fairytale story, he told himself as a kid.

Not really any part of his life so far has been.
Being both quirkless and an omega had been one hit after another. That isn’t to say he didn’t try! He worked very hard, but while UA and other hero schools said on paper that they accepted quirkless and omega students,
didn’t mean unless they were extraordinary that they would accept a quirkless omega. And at the end of the day, he was just...Deku.

He still went to a very good high school, and on to university. Izuku likes his job,
being a cyber security analyst for a big global company pays well, and it being global means that as long as he puts in at least eight hours, it doesn’t matter if he starts at 8 am or 8 pm. Which is perfect for the insomniac.

Despite his mother’s insistence,
he does not move back in with her. He is 25 and is more than capable of affording a nice apartment in Musutafu that is a short bus ride or nice walk from his mother.
The neighborhood is quiet due to a lot of younger pro heroes living here instead of the much more expensive city. Crime is down, but since it’s mostly younger heroes the rent isn’t exorbitant. He finds a small two bedroom,
with a lot of light and a small balcony on the back side of the apartment, perfect for plants. One of the bedrooms is already painted a soft pastel green, perfect for the pup in his belly.

At five months pregnant, he is very much showing. In addition to his baby bump,
his omegan instincts are going crazy. Izuku has rebuilt his nest three times in the past week, trying desperately to get the perfect comfort to support ratio, but that perfect number seems to change daily. All his internet searches say he is missing his mate’s scent,
but since he doesn’t have a mate, there isn’t much he can do about that.

It also doesn’t help that his neighbor he hasn’t met yet clearly has a very young pup. They cry deep in the night,
and it takes every ounce of Izuku’s self-control not to barge over and demand the pup. Not that he would know what to do with it once he got it, he is still learning himself. Still the omega in him becomes more and more restless the more he hears the pup scream.
He does worry about himself and his pup, what if he can’t get them to settle? So many of the books talk about the need for both an alpha and omega in order to keep the pup happy. It keeps him up sometimes.

He meets his first neighbor in 308 only briefly,
she is a student, and stays mostly at her girlfriend's apartment. He doesn’t meet his neighbor in 310 for about a month after moving in. Izuku is coming home late after visiting his mother to the smell of very angry alpha that is perceptible even from the street.
As he makes his way up the stairs and the shared outer walkway pepper spray in hand, the sound of yelling joins the scent. He doesn’t make it very far before; he is pushed aside by a pissy looking beta.

Izuku lets his own growl out at the offending asshole,
arm wrapped around his stomach. He turns and comes face to face with -


Bakugou Katsuki has changed a lot in the past ten years, but he is still super recognizable, and not just because Izuku actively stalks his former childhood friend on the internet.
Or that Ground Zero is amazing hero, already topping the charts after-

“Deku?” The alpha blurts out, surprise clearing the air of angry alpha smell, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Um,” Izuku blushes, pointing around the blond, “I live in 309,"
Kacchan blinks for several moments before huffing, “Of course you do,”

“Is everything ok?” Izuku asks before he can stop himself, eyes flickering to where the beta had disappeared too. Nose curling at the stench.

Because despite how good of a frame Katsuki cuts,
he also looks dead on his feet. There is a bone-weary exhaustion that is unnatural looking on the alpha. It is clear how tired he is, when Kacchan only stares at him for a moment with narrow eyes before sighing angrily,

“Fucking ass is being paid to watch my kid,
but instead fucks off on their phone. Came home and her diaper is fucking full,”

A sharp acidic smell escapes Izuku before he can manually restrain it. It is mostly omegan instinct, the idea of leaving a pup in their own filth for hours makes him stupidly angry,
and a bit of it is a surprise. He had no idea Katsuki had a kid.

“Look, it's, uh, good to see you, I guess? But I have to get her to my mom. I have an early shift tomorrow morning and don’t have time to get another babysitter before then,"
Izuku also must be tired because again before he can stop himself, he pipes up like a stupid omega, “I could watch her if you need,”

Katsuki stares at him for a very long time,
clearly trying to figure out if letting Izuku watch his kid is worse than waking up his mother at 11 pm at night. With a deep sigh, he grumbles out a fine, “Just fucking be here at six ok? I will walk you through what she needs, it is just a short shift. "
Katsuki has no idea what drugs he was on last night when he agreed to let Deku watch his kid. But after seeing a very upset Katsumi in a very soiled diaper, he kicked the nanny he had hired to the curb.
He also very much hated the idea of crawling to his mother for help.

Mitsuki had said her peace when she found out about Katsumi and hasn’t said a word about it since, but it was enough for Katsuki to be hesitant about asking for too much help.
Katsumi’s mother had been a rare one-night stand in order to decompress some of the wild alpha hormones he struggled with. She hadn’t told Katsuki all through the pregnancy about their pup, until after giving birth. She had called, saying that he had a kid,
and she wasn’t going to keep them. If he wanted them, he needed to come sign the papers, before she let the hospital take her.

(He hadn’t hesitated, not even for a second, but he still has nightmares where he gets there, and Katsumi is gone.
That he didn’t get to his daughter in time.)

It was Katsuki fault for sleeping with someone like that, and he knows that it is the mother’s choice. But he likes to think if he had known, he could have helped financially at least.
He would have also had nine months to prepare for a pup. Two months later, and he feels like he is drowning, just a little bit.

He would set the world on fire for his pup though.

At exactly 05:59, there is a soft knock, and Katsuki opens it up to reveal Deku.
It is odd seeing his middle school victim, especially since Deku is remaining so calm around him. Katsuki is pretty sure his brain has turned to mush because of how tired he is,
but the first thought he has seeing the omega in the doorway in a frumpy oversized All Might hoodie is “cute”. As the omega steps through the barrier of the apartment, Katsuki notices he has no scent. Deku must be wearing scent blockers, which is considerate of him.
While an omega really shouldn’t set off any den guarding instincts, Katsuki had tried to throw Shitty Hair off the walkway when he tried to visit. There is no telling what will set him off

Katsumi is still asleep in her crib in his room, so he shows Deku where everything is.
His binder of what to do when, Deku nods along, face serious. It is somewhat of a relief, everyone else he has walked through this has smirked or laughed at his binder, Deku just accepts it, and asks a couple questions about some of the information.

He is worried that he doesn’t get to see Deku handle Katsumi before he leaves, but while he hasn’t seen the man in many years, he does trusts that Deku won’t fuck it up any more than the previous nannies Katsuki has fired in the past two months.
The omega has always been soft spoken and kind.

Too fucking kind

Katsuki leaves Deku sitting at his kitchen table, reading through his binder, praying for a short shift.


Izuku still has no idea what possessed him to offer his assistance last night.
Perhaps part of it is just simple curiosity, wanting to meet Kacchan’s baby. Or maybe because it is an opportunity to see what Kacchan has been up to all these years.
Though deep down he feels like it is because he saw someone in need of help that he felt that he could provide.

The blond alpha’s apartment layout is basically the same as his own, except for it is the mirror image.
It makes things simpler when Puppa-chan kicks him in the bladder, so he doesn’t fumble for the bathroom and when he pokes his head into check on Katsumi he looks into the nursery, instead of Katsuki’s den.

Kacchan named his daughter Katsumi,
following traditions it seems. Her milky pup scent draws him close, staring at the small human in awe. It is so strange to think that he has one growing inside of him. She is asleep, but Izuku can see that she is the spitting image of her sire.
He is a bit concerned about meeting her without her dad there, hopefully she doesn’t take too long to get used to his scent. There is a rocking chair in the room, so he gently picks up the slumbering pup and settles them both into the chair.
Katsumi’s little heartbeat hammers against his chest, setting off signals in his brain that he doesn’t quite understand yet. A soft murmuring purr instinctually pulls itself from his throat as he rocks back and forth, a calming experience for both of them.
She is so calm when she wakes up that he takes him several moments to realize that she had, in fact, woken up. Her little red eyes stare deep into his soul. Izuku has only known this pup for half a day,
but he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he would destroy the world if she asked.

Katsumi is a very well-behaved pup, not super fussy at mealtime. He is a little surprised by how long and detailed the mealtime section of Kacchan’s binder is.
The way that it is typed up makes it seem like the pup is always two seconds from screaming her little head off. Things to try to get her to eat in ascending order, the end suggesting dipping a rag in milk. Katsumi takes the bottle with the standard nipple with no issue.
There are only waterworks if he tries to set her down. First are what he can only assume are crocodile tears before she works herself into a full tilt meltdown.

He doesn’t let it get to that point of course,
he can just tell that she is working herself up by the way her scent changes. Better to just hold her. Besides, Kacchan said it was only a short shift.

But as the day inches on, and Kacchan hasn’t come back,
Izuku tip toes back to his own apartment in order to make some late lunch. Katsumi remains the chilliest little pup, only getting a little worried in the few steps from her den to Izuku’s. He knows his home reeks of nesting omega,
so Izuku isn’t surprised by how quick she settles inside.

Puppa-chan is craving spicy food, though Puppa-chan always is craving spicy food, so Izuku sets Katsumi down in a pram that he has already assembled last week in a fit of anxiety and gets to work.
Thankfully, the nesting pheromones that hang heavy in his home Katsumi does get upset.

After eating, he takes some leftovers back to Katsuki’s apartment, figuring the alpha is not going to have time to cook when he gets home. Poor Kacchan,
if this is what he considers a short shift. With a sigh, Izuku snuggles up in a comfy chair in Kacchan’s apartment with Katsumi pressed close, reading on his phone while he waits for the alpha to come home.
The universe is out to get him.
It’s the only thing that makes sense. Katsuki was supposed to have a quick shift, just do some paperwork, maybe yell at an intern or two, and then go home and rescue his kid from Deku. Of course, that’s when there is an accident downtown,
and it is all hands until well into evening. He is exhausted by the time he makes his way into his apartment. He even takes a moment outside his apartment door to try to compose himself. Trying his very best to not seem like he is falling asleep while standing up.
The scene he walks into, short circuits his brain a little bit, however. Izuku is dozing in the sofa chair, arms curled around Katsuki’s sleeping daughter, who is safely nestled on the omega’s chest. It isn’t just that, that makes him feel like Pikachu has zapped him,
it is the obvious swell of Izuku’s stomach.

How tired has he been that he hasn’t even noticed that Deku was pregnant? If he missed that, what obvious shit is he missing at work?

Closing the door and taking off his shoes, he heads into the apartment.
Reaching out he tries to gently shake the omega awake. Which turns out to be a bad idea.

Green eyes snap open with a viscous hiss, Deku swings his arm up, catching Katsuki’s cheek with his claws,
and surprisingly deep growl echoing through the apartment along with the poisonous smell of enraged omega. He curls around the pup, showing Katsuki his back trying to shield her from him. For a few scant moments both stood oak still,
before Deku’s instincts faded from his eyes,

“Oh no, K-Kacchan I am so sorry. I-I must have thought I was at home,”

“It is fine Deku,” Katsuki waves off the rant, touching his bleeding face with a light grimace. Well, at least Katsumi is safe with Deku.
The omega awkwardly rolls off back around and into a standing position, still holding Katsuki’s child against him, she is awake, but clearly not concerned. Which is odd, even when his mother visits, Katsumi is screaming her head off by this point,
wanting to be with her Daddy instead of her nanny. Instead she yawns and smells only of sleepy pup.

She really is the spitting image of Katsuki, all red eyes and ash blond hair. It is a jarring image, seeing her so calm in the arms of Katsuki’s former victim.
Almost as jarring as Deku being here period.

“I made some dinner and brought it over, I’ll heat it up while you shower, afterwards I’ll help you put plaster on your face” Deku says, still blushing, “Sorry again about attacking you,”

Katsuki is split,
normally when he gets home, the nanny leaves immediately. This gives him the privacy he needs, alpha instincts not liking strangers in his home, but it would be nice to shower and not worry about Katsumi the entire time. Lately he has just showered at his agency,
but he hadn’t had the chance tonight, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

With a tired nod, he goes and does what the omega requests.

Given how comfortable Katsumi is around Deku, the alpha gives him the chance to take a longer shower than normal.
I.e. 10 minutes instead of 5. As he steps out back into the kitchen area, feeling a lot more human than he has for weeks, he has to blink at the sight that greets him.

Deku stands in front of the stove,
Katsumi resting her little head against his shoulder as he heats up something. Whatever it is, smells fucking amazing.

“Oh, good timing,” Deku chirps, grabbing a serving and setting it in front of Katsuki.
The dark red curry looks hot enough to pucker Tupperware and make weaker men cry. Perfect.

“Didn’t think you had much of a head for hot stuff, nerd?”

Deku laughs softly, “I thought so to,
but apparently just because I couldn’t handle your mother’s heat level doesn’t mean that I can’t handle my spice. Apparently, Puppa-chan likes spicy food,” a small hand rubs against the swell.

There are a million questions that Katsuki wants to ask,
and probably would have if he hadn’t been about to fall asleep. Instead he just nods and eats his food. Deku sticks around for a little longer, following through with helping him with his face and Katsuki finds that he enjoys the omega’s presence,
they chat about everything and nothing. Neither touching on hard subjects, like Katsumi’s mother, or Puppa-chan’s sire.

“Let me know if you need help again,” Deku says with a smile as he leaves, “I work from home,
so as long as you don’t mind me using your internet or bringing Katsumi to my place,”

Katsuki nods, having no plans to take him up on that offer.

And promptly fails.

The nanny agency that he hired the last one through drops him as a client,
saying that him kicking out the incompetent ass is grounds for contract retraction. Whatever, he doesn’t want anything to do with a company that thinks that ass is an option to take care of a baby.
But that also means he has to find a new nanny on his own or find a new agency. Which is hard when you work full time and have a lot of requirements. He goes through three agencies, even one that specializes in heroes’ kids, before he goes crawling to Deku.
The omega is happy to help, and Katsuki doesn’t want to let the nerd know, but he has never seen Katsumi attach to another besides him so fast. Even his mother has issues for the first little bit with her.
He expects the usual screaming and wailing that she makes when anyone but him holds her, instead she whimpers a bit before settling.

The internet says it is because Deku is an omega. Though Katsuki thinks that’s sexist bullshit.
There is nothing to say that omega are better caregivers, all the instinct nonsense that society has tried cramming down his throat is a lie.

Since going to high school and living at UA,
surrounded by alphas and only a couple betas he learned early that a lot of the “alpha male” bullshit is, just that, bullshit. Both Eijirou and Mina are alphas, but Katsuki has never seen a more balanced relationship.
Maybe it's because they have to fight against instinct and have taught themselves to properly listen to the other, maybe not.

Either way, Deku being a good caregiver and future mother is not just because he is an omega. He has always been patient and kind.
It isn’t surprising that has developed over the years apart into a genuinely thoughtful and caring persona.

So, he lets the nerd back into his life. The two are careful of the other’s boundaries,
Katsuki catches himself multiple occasions from saying something too harsh. With his group of friends that would be fine, but with Deku who he used to bully relentlessly, those comments might not hit the same.

Deku lets him apologize one night,
when he is overtired and so thankful that Deku is willing to watch Katsumi so he can take a shower. The omega sits and listens, lets him stumble over words and over apologize and under explain. With a smile, the nerd says he has long been since forgiven,
because he can see that Katsuki has changed as a person. It has never been more noticeable than when he takes Katsumi in his arms.

He doesn’t say scathing things when Deku finally asks about Katsumi’s mother,
and in return Deku trusts him enough to talk about Puppa-chan's father. A shitty one-night stand with a co-worker who took off the condom.

Sometimes when he gets off early enough that he doesn’t feel like he needs to go right to sleep,
they sit on the couch and just hang out. Even if Katsumi is asleep in her crib, they bicker about heroes and games and life.

Katsuki cannot admit it to anyone, but it really enjoys having the nerd back into his life. It just makes things worse though,
when his nightmares about Katsumi start staring Deku and Puppa-chan as well.
Next update is found here, sorry about any confusion
https://twitter.com/hushteeth/status/1315502699677319168?s=21 https://twitter.com/HushTeeth/status/1315502699677319168
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