1/3 My grandmother came here from Mexico by herself when she was 18 years old and 8 months pregnant. She didn’t speak any English & hid in the train bathroom as the ticket checker came by b/c she snuck on. She got off in LA & hitched a ride from a stranger to...
2/3 Sacramento where she met family. She raised 8 children in the US and became a citizen herself. I am here today, contributing to society & helping people as a doctor in large part because of her. But she snuck over, and if she had tried to come today, she and her first baby...
3/3 might be separated at the border, in cages. And despite this, my entire family is voting for the very monster who is doing this to families now. They instead see “those Mexicans” vs “us.” And that is the problem, friends: internalized racism.
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