Since some just don’t get it; when someone says voting for Kanye/third party is a vote for Trump, it does not mean your vote goes directly to him but it does mean you are essentially voting for someone who does not stand a chance against the two domineering candidates 1/?
While yes you are technically voting for someone other than Trump and Biden, you are also essentially taking a vote away that could have (realistically) gone to getting Trump out of office. Granted, I know it’s horrible but there’s the reality of our situation 2/?
As much as I would love Green Party to rise like a Phoenix and take the presidency, it’s just not gonna happen. This election is not like any other, it has so much more riding on it than past and by voting for someone other than Biden, you are part of the issue 3/?
I know it’s unfair, but the reality is no matter who the other candidates are this race is going to be between Joe and Donald. Our top priority has to be removing this piece of garbage from office and getting someone in that can make a genuine difference 4/?
The other candidates unfortunately don’t have nearly enough traction at this point in the race and while it may make you feel better knowing you didn’t give either joe or donny your vote, the truth is at the end of the election it will be between the two senile old men 5/?
I know, I KNOW how awful this all is, I’m not thrilled with our options either. It would be nice to have someone who believes in BLM, climate change, covid, universal health care, etc and had a decent chance at winning, but this unfortunately is what we got, no going back. 6/?
That’s not to say that one day we won’t have a good candidate from another party but in order to get there, we need a president that believes in the science behind covid and climate change. So please, use your vote to change this course we’re on. 7/7 #DumpTrump #Biden2020 #vote
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