Don't wait on taking the shahadah. The person that I helped take the shahadah told me that she had been praying the five prayers for like a week. And she even told me that whenever she was afraid of dying, she said the shahadah, like eg. if she was on a plane and 1/2
felt turbulence or something, she used to say the shahadah. I convinced her that she has to be convinced of the shahadah and not play around like this with it. And that if she took it, even if she fell in to wrongdoings, if she died, whenever she would die, she would die 2/3
as a muslim. What if you died and never got to say the shahadah? You belive in it but only say it when you feel like you are dying, then what is your state in other times?

Anyways, don't wait on life changing things that might help your deen. You don't know if Allah has 3/4
Written for you another hour, how do you know if he has written for you to survive until that day you have been putting off whatever you have been putting off? Do it now, so that you on the day of judgement you won't just come with an empty excuse.
Dunno if this makes any sense. Will probably delete this thread later, wrote it when I was barely awake.
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