hey idk wtf my sexuality is bc i always hate putting myself in a box and slapping a label so i’m been pretty fluid with labels but now i’m just confused. i dont rly understand myself and it’s stressing me out :(
a part of me thinks i can’t accept certain parts of myself bc of internalized homophobia and the hatred growing up hence why i go without labels. am i suppressing parts of my identity bc i was conditioned to think it was unnatural and wrong growing up?
my friends used to call me the “straightest person ever” but i never rly identified or felt comfortable with that. the first time i kissed a girl was when i was 5 and my mom saw me and told me it was “wrong”. was i really wrong? then why did i have those feelings even as a child?
hey sorry this thread was just me rambling and also all of my questions were rhetorical but yeah i’ve just been thinking about this a lot and i think i need time to come to terms with my identity. anyways, if u read all of that i love you and i hope you have a safe night! <3
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