Lol I legit had a 1st edition full set of these cards and I can’t think about it too much because my mind goes to dark places
I was super into Pokémon cards, like my dad would take my brother and I to camp out for cards and I was even a certified Pokémon trainer because I competed in trading card tournaments and fulfilled a bunch of other requirements.
Like we would go as overnight stockers were putting cards on the shelf to buy cards and would wait in massive lines. He would drive us out to the other side of the state to go to these tournaments cause they only had them in nice cities lol. That’s how into we were.
We were so into the cards my dad would buy us folders and showed us how to preserve specials so we could have them in safe keeping. I had an entire 1st edition set and a non 1st edition set of the first series of cards .
My parents divorced my sophomore year of high school, my mom remarried and we moved. My moms husband had super young kids and as we were moving I had the folder out and was looking at the cards. I came home one day and them along with my preteen brothers went through
And destroyed the cards that they thought were toys. Obviously weren’t worth that much when it happened but I kept them safe because they were a nice memento. Now they’re worth a fortune lol oh how writing all of this just made me tear up.
So the moral of the story, fuck divorce, fuck shitty marriages and fuck step siblings. Oh and the guy and my mom aren’t even together anymore lmaoooooo
Also this thread kinda reminded me that my dad was a really good dad when he wanted to be. Just wish that was something he wanted to do more constantly lol
But as I get older I understand that parents are people first and sometimes they really can’t shake the trauma their parents passed down so I don’t hold any ill will.
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