tw for csa, pedophilia, incest, just a whole host of bullshit
if imagining scenarios where characters are 'aged down' in order to create pedophilic situations (e.g. two originally adult characters suddenly being changed to a 12 and 30 y/o) excites you, i don't want to be around you. ever. i don't want to interact with you or support you.
i personally find it disgusting. that being said, i don't think that harassment, death threats, etc. is the right way to go about it. it changes nothing and often empowers these people by making them look like the victim. stop doing this. instead block, boycott, don't commission.
i also don't think that imagining these creepy scenarios necessarily makes you a perpetrator (i.e. imagining pedophilia doesn't necessarily make you a pedophile). both kinds are nasty, and i don't want to be around either, but they aren't the same thing.
it is up to us to curate our own online experience. it is also up to people who know that they regularly interact with mature content to make that clear.

that doesn't mean that accounts should never interact with nsfw material in case minors are following.
minors using the internet aren't toddlers: while critical thought may not always be quite as developed as that of someone completely mature, you can use some common sense. people involved in mature material (18+ shows, erotic fiction, etc.) are not gonna be safe for minors.
it is not up to those people to scrub through their extensive following list to make sure no one under the age of 18 is following. they should make it clear that their content is for mature audiences, but beyond that, they should be able to interact with what they want.
this does not make them exempt from criticism. if you interact with accounts that defend aforementioned weird shit, you're gonna be criticised. you should be prepared for this.
that's it. that's basically all my thoughts on the matter, and i've had it with the fucking 'anti-antis'. you're fucking strange.
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