Rachael Swindon: "All you people calling Corbyn 'Magic Grandpa' are offensive and disgusting".


Rachael, of course, is in extremely difficult personal circumstances. She regularly makes appeals on here for financial help. Many donate to her. https://twitter.com/Rachael_Swindon/status/1314618895865647104
I doubt many of those who donate to her are at all rich. More like the complete opposite, at the time of a global pandemic and economic disaster.

Yet Rachael's approach is to do her damndest to make it not easier, but HARDER for a Labour government to ever be elected.
To do her damndest so that:

- The homeless keep suffering
- The poor keep suffering
- The NHS is privatised
- Education keeps being destroyed
- Nothing will ever happen on climate change
- Universal Credit is reduced back to a derisory figure and maintained there
You know why I think she's doing thar? Really - why? It's not a Rachael thing. It's a Twitter thing.

On here, plenty of people gained tons of followers while Corbyn was Labour leader... while alienating so many of those voters we need to ever win again.
Well, Corbyn isn't leader any more - so now it's a question of ego v help Labour win. And many have made the wrong choice.

In Rachael's case, it's further complicated by her financial position. How can she keep being retweeted in such numbers without taking an extreme position?
Her supporters - like Corbyn's diehard supporters - are passionate, emotional, angry, loud... and seem to take pride in alienating others.

Being in opposition forever suits them. Being in government under anyone not named Jeremy Corbyn seems to horrify them.
In that, the Tories must love them: as they do literally the same thing which they rightly attacked when it was done to them and to Corbyn by saboteurs.

Well Rachael: two wrongs don't and will never make a right. And "they started it" is the excuse of a toddler.
There are, by the way, so many constructive things that the online left could do. In so many cases, it prefers to be destructive instead.

I find that pathetic: above all, because it is literally the exact opposite of socialism. It's the epitome of selfishness.
In Rachael's case, I very much hope it helps her keep a roof over her head. In the medium and long term, she's harming herself... let alone millions and millions and millions of others.

That's the reality I'm afraid.
"How can people on here AFFORD to oppose a Labour government from happening?" is something I ponder regularly, and have no answer to. In some cases, it must be because some are just unaffected by the Tories laying waste to the UK. Privilege.
That's obviously not true in Rachael's case. Which just makes it sad. Very sad.

I wish her well... but in the end, people like her are only harming themselves.
"Do you vote against the greater evil if you don’t happen to like the other candidate? The answer to that is yes. If you have any moral understanding, you want to keep the greater evil out"

- Noam Chomsky
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