radical feminism didn’t just drive men out of queer spaces. it also drove butches out, since masculinity itself was suddenly the enemy too. this killed the lesbian bar scene as we know it, in case you’re wondering where all the bars went. butchphobia harms the lesbian community.
page 232 from “stone butch blues” by leslie feinberg
radical feminism also deeply harmed the femme community. for more reading on that, here’s an excellent piece by anika stafford. content warning for misogyny and sexual assault. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/322497442.pdf
sample from the study linked above:
radical feminists still exist today, but you probably know them by a more common name: TERFs. my mutual @AmyDyess did some incredible work uncovering the nature of this cult of a hate group after surviving it, and it’s definitely worth your time to read. https://medium.com/@amydyess83/prodigal-butch-7f0d2e00f693
one last thing! i’m currently unemployed and put a ton of time into making educational twitter threads just like this one. if you learned something new and want to see more in the future, i have a tip jar that i’ll link below 💙🏳️‍🌈 thanks friends https://ko-fi.com/radiantbutch 
quick disclaimer: i fully recognize that the lesbian bar scene suffered due to a myriad of factors that were social and economic.

my tweet was meant to explain that radical feminism was a key player in their dwindling presence, with butchphobia being a driving force behind that.
second disclaimer: some people are saying i shouldn’t conflate radical feminism with terfs because there are trans-inclusive radical feminists. i didn’t know that, and i’ll be more mindful in the future. this thread is about the brand of radical feminism that evolved into terfs.
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