how to stop a panic/anxiety attack --- a thread in the hopes this helps someone in need the same way it has helped me. #WorldMentalHealthDay
1. deep breathing technique:
lie flat on your back. place one hand on your belly and another on your chest. take slow deep breaths in/out your mouth, filling your chest and belly and releasing. breathe in, hold, and release.
2. reduce stimuli
during high anxiety or panic, your senses can feel overwhelmed. by closing your eyes, you can allow yourself to focus inwardly and not on any triggers/overwhelming environments.
3. get out of your head.
most panic attacks are internal and can make you feel trapped in your own mind. to help you regain that sense of self and stop feeling suffocated, try touching and holding objects, digging your feet into the ground, or splashing cold water onto your face.
4. hug yourself. it's scientifically proven that holding/squeezing yourself in situations of panic can reduce the symptoms. as silly as this sounds, wrap your arms around your body and squeeze as tight as you can. do this repeatedly.
5. smell some lavender
if you can, smell some lavender essential oil. lavender oil is known for stimulating relaxation and reducing stress. rub some on your wrists and sniff. (note: if you are taking benzodiazepines, don't do this as this combo can cause intense drowsiness)
6. repeat a mantra:
"I will be okay." "I am safe." "I am loved." "I am calm." "I am strong." "I can do this." "This too shall pass" are all examples of mantras you can repeat out loud to reduce the overwhelming symptoms you may feel, because the truth is you WILL be okay.
end of thread. <3 these little tips are helpful for reducing the onset of panic and anxiety attack symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest constrictions, heart palpitations, stomach pain, among others. they've helped me countless times and hopefully they can help you too.
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