Things 2 remember while writing a character with anti social personality disorder, conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder
Hello! I’m a sophomore in the process of being diagnosed with ODD, so I figured I’d make a thread on what NOT to do when writing a character with any 3 of these disorders. :-)
What NOT to do:
- don’t write them as a serial killer
I shouldn’t have to explain this one, but I will. People with ASPD are often dedicated as evil villains, this trope makes millions of the pain of people with ASPD.
If you’re character HAS to be a serial killer, please make the reason something OTHER than them having ASPD. please
- don’t make them feel things you know they can’t feel to give them a redemption ark from their disorder. This includes feelings of guilt, empathy and remorse
- Don’t erase their compassion! People with ASPD have impaired empathy, but they can still feel compassion, pity, joy etc
- Don’t make them emotionless! This is a common stereotype, but people affected with this disorder are often very full of emotions!
- Don’t depict them as a monster unless it’s due to another part of their story. And if it is, elaborate on that a lot! Do not let your reader think their aspd caused their monster-ness.
- Don’t write them like they’re Hannibal lecter. Your character is not a witty cannibal (unless they are, of course) because of their disorder!
- Do not depict them w/ a muzzle on. Muzzles were used on “insane” people in asylums. Better yet, don’t depict them in an insane asylum!
What you SHOULD do

- give them a wide range of emotions that you know they can feel!
- Give your character personality outside of aspd
- Depict the gritty parts of the disorder, make them realistic. Research research research.
- Only write a character with ASPD/ODD/CD if you have done EXTENSIVE research on the disorder. It’s extremely complex and requires attention to detail
- Write them in a way that shows that they can enjoy their life
Hope this helped! Have fun writing ur character
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