Whoaaa i just found this thread of people on reddit who have dyscalculia and play music. I didnt know I had this disorder because its not studied a lot but I literally could only play music by ear. Like no matter how much I tried I couldn't read it, even though I was in music...
For like 7 years. This made me feel like...I wasn't a real musician even though I understood like the basic theory (bc it was only grade school) and I could hear like F and B flat or whatever and I could write them on the sheet but then...I couldn't play the music or
Hear the rhythms in my head. Even if I knew exactly what every single note exactly was and how long they were I always ended up playing by ear in the end. Especially in marching band because we didn't have sheets.
But I just found this thread on reddit of people that play music with this same issue omgggg.... most of them said they just play by ear the whole time haha! Some of them have been musicians for like 14 years!
I stopped playing music because I thought I was just bad at it. It was really discouraging to have this disorder. It only showed up im math class and music class and nobody knew about it so I just thought I was like....destined to fail at these things. Even though
I practiced like literally every single day. I was like....ughhh why
Haha I remember I tried out for all state band and I failed so hard at the sight reading I cried hahaha 😅 I wish I would've known it was just dyslexia but with mathematics....
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