Some people will totally shift the window of possibility, some work on the minute detail, some that do a bit of everything, some that focus in one are, some who will go long into the future, some in the now, some huge visions, some everyday extraordinary details, some loudly ...
... some quietly, some one step at a time for a very specific goal over time, some that jump in lots of directions, some who quietly influence a few, others will move masses, none of these positions binary over lifetimes, some will introduce or reintroduce us to game changing ..
... ideas and some will keep us in line diligently with our basic values reminding of what it means to veer from them with detail, focus, some with vigour and others gently. There will be those who remind us what it means to stray too far from our basic collective humanity ...
... somewhere amongst all of this, is a beautiful space and privilege which allows us to build together, be wary of judging too quickly, or writing off whole ways of thinking, ways of working, ideas, communities, skills, visions, histories ...
... very little is entirely true or false or right or wrong. Sometimes those before us were diligently doing the best they could in the contexts they sat within, they may have paved the way for us to go way further, way quicker, or to understand more deeply or act more boldly.
Fighting with focus + relentlessness for the world you believe is possible can sit alongside the the idea that vision won’t be able to be absolute or happen in one very specific way, consensus or revolution, the spaces in between is where we grow + build + nurture the future.
You can follow @ImmyKaur.
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