Stop teaching people to constantly check up on their friends because it becomes a matter of habit. Start teaching them to be good friends so when they start checking up on their friends, it’s because they truly do care.
It’s become a chore, and makes people feel obliged to.
Being a good friend is the best way to help someone, being their ‘therapist’ it’s not only bad for your mental health but potentially harmful to your friendship which they probably need the most.
Can we please stop teaching the idea that you are responsible for your friends’ wellbeing. You should not be putting pressure on yourself to make sure your friends are in a good mental state- this is what causes guilt and self blame after such tragic events.
All we should be encouraged to do it BE KIND, LOVE AND RESPECT AND always offer your friendship and support, without feeling like if you don’t, you’re somewhat responsible for what could happen.
How we can really ‘check up’ on our friends: Ask your friends about their day! Engage with them about their interests, seem interested in their opinions and things that make them happy. Instead of telling them you care, SHOW them you care.
Hearing the words ‘i care’ is all good until we don’t FEEL like people care. Actions mean more than words.
I hope this thread made sense and i hope it isn’t offensive. I know you all have good intentions but we have to remember sometimes checking up on someone once a month isn’t enough.
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