Over the course of the past week, GMs have actually gone on to become one of my favorite activities in the game, tbh. I feel like they demand a level of mastery that we haven't really seen on the PvE side of things, and it's super duper refreshing. (1/3)
That said, I also think that they could use more loot incentive on normal weeks, especially given their difficulty. @CammyCakesYT came up with a handful of awesome long-term ideas during our runs, but in the short term, 2x becoming standard & 3x for double weeks would rock (2/3)
Below are Cam's recommendations for how to add more to GM Nightfalls, I co-sign all of them, though I'd also add that score should factor into rewards, (maybe what sort of stat potential your rewards have??) to encourage actually learning the NF (3/3): https://twitter.com/CammyCakesYT/status/1314477564359045120
Also figured I'd tag @A_dmg04 & @Cozmo23 in this thread. Not really looking for a response, as this isn't the most pressing thing, especially with Beyond Light just over the horizon, but it's always good to get to share feedback and throw some ideas out there when we can 💜
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