Sorry to be a broken record but I think it’s really hard for a lot of white people to believe that the government is letting things stay open not because it’s safe but because our lives are disposable to them, so they think “if it’s open it must be safe.”
To blame something like this on the individual people who showed up & not on the federal govt who refuses to pay people to stay home or take COVID seriously, & state & local govts who reopened for both idealogical & financial reasons, feels pretty unreasonable!
Obviously we are all responsible for the choices we make. But if it’s not conceivable to you that the government could see your death as an acceptable price to pay to feed The Markets then I can very much see how you’d find believing you’re safe & everything is fine preferable.
I’ve been borderline blackpilled for quite a while & yet still struggle to fully absorb how thoroughly the government abandoned us during COVID, because this is one of the first times as a privileged white person in a liberal state I’ve ever had to experience the weight of that!
So, yeah. I hate seeing people being reckless and selfish too, and certainly a large piece of it is our American resistance to being deprived of any pleasures we feel we deserve, but to me it’s much more about our governments abandoning us.
We’re all exhausted from trying to survive under the weight of capitalism & now expecting each other to be incredibly savvy media consumers&public health experts & epidemiologists. That’s what governments are for - Telling us when shit is safe or dangerous!! How should we know?!
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