"A right-wing authoritarian movement is engineering minority white rule" is a one-sided story. Literally the most important story in the world right now! But it makes US journalists uncomfortable. You can feel their palpable & increasingly desperate need for an "other side."
And so, after the right has rigged a 6-3 majority in SCOTUS, appointed entirely by presidents/Senate majorities that got fewer votes, preparing to take a series of wildly unpopular anti-democratic steps, the big question in politics ...
... is not whether any of that is OK or defensible, but whether Joe Biden, IF he wins & IF Dems take the Senate, will take a step to push back against he. HE'S the one "contemplating a radical step." HE'S the one "violating norms." It's a fucking joke.
Such a joke, apparently, that I'm going to rant tediously about it all day on this hellsite.
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