My mixed reactions came from what @kristatippett raises near end: race. In this moment of racial reckoning—confronting a history and present of injustice & inhumanity—I believe those profound and awful truths & that “deep story” transcend others.
Can we hold two things at once: 1) true commitment to “absolute equality” & recognize the depth of the structures & systems put in place since 1619 to subjugate BIPOC people AND 2) appreciate the “deep stories” of all (which may also involve a range of experienced unfairnesses.)
Feels long-past time that we can believe in the power of #2 without first recognizing & committing to & fighting for #1.
I am embarrassed & enraged by attacks on 1619 Project, EO banning diversity training, incessant racism (& misogyny) of Administration (eg. the relentless voter suppression.) Not only is this obliterating history & facts, it is denying people (in this case BIPOC) their deep story.
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