one thing that seems pretty likely based on all the college football pictures and trump rally pictures is that we are hosed with covid until a vaccine reaches full distribution. we simply aren’t willing to behave ourselves. that’s a much larger indictment than of just trump.
i do think leadership would have mattered early on, but even a lot of people i know have gone more or less back to their normal patterns, albeit with masks or some minor attempts at distance.
the thing about it is that i don’t even know how much i can blame anyone. in the abstract, i look at my own behavior and these big gatherings and bar openings infuriate me, but, like, what can you reasonably expect from people, given that leadership up and down the line gave up?
when the ruling party decides you’re going to suffer from their negligence whether you like it or not, and there’s no realistic way to dislodge them in time for it to matter, i can’t get *that* upset at everyone who decides to give up and love the bomb.
anyway, off to my weekly exercise in risk management: going to the grocery store and hoping i don’t get stuck in line behind someone who has a lethal virus, because i don’t have health insurance and it might not even matter if i did.
the only thing i can compare it to in my experience is when a company is doomed and everyone knows it and people start showing up to work at 1130 or getting drunk at 3 hour lunches or go home at 2. as someone who mostly follows the rules, it’s frustrating, but like, i get it.
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