“Beyond the stunt, I don’t know what that family has done wrong.”

1) If you believe it’s a stunt & that’s not enough … YIKES 2) Let’s get into it:

Feeding UAs fake pregnancy photos in 2015, playing loud music around him without headphones, bouncing him around, not putting on +
+ his helmet (for scooters & the medical one), using phones to record themselves while driving with him, sitting him next to a hibachi grill with no shirt as an infant, never establishing a healthy sleep schedule, geotagging their location after he received threats, +
+ bringing him to beaches, farms, restaurants, and Las Vegas during a pandemic as cases spiked out west & in casinos, not consistently wearing masks (and when they do, he doesn’t even though he’s old enough), the “mom” drunk while playing with fire as he supposedly sleeps in +
+ the other room, introducing him to his “mom’s” string of boyfriends & their dogs so he gets attached before they disappear, engaging with & not condemning “fan accounts” since infancy, selling his clothes on Poshmark knowing the “‘father’s’ fans” don’t know boundaries, +
+ setting up a P.O. Box & having him open random packages from “fans” as an infant without knowing if it’s safe, not condemning the “grandfather” for saying the “father” starves the “mother” even though she’s constantly eating out, on vacations, getting surgeries, getting +
+ engaged to someone the “mom” claims to have known & loved for 10 years even though she was linked to another guy 2 weeks prior, posting his photos on multiple family members’ social media (and non-family social media) after the “father requested privacy.”

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