Hello from downtown Denver where far-right militia groups are holding a rally. Far-left Black Lives Matter Antifa groups are holding a counter protest nearby. Lots of police and militia groups out already. Fences seem to be in place to try and separate the groups. #9News
The far-right militia groups and far-left BLM/Antifa groups have been active on social media recently telling people to show up to the dueling events. I’ll thread what I see throughout the day here. Follow along #9News
Dozens of militia group members arrive for the “patriot muster” in Denver. Many are carrying shields and wearing helmets #9News
A couple hundred feet away a group with an “Antifacist Action” flag as well as a “Denver Communists” flag is at a standoff with a line of police in riot gear #9News
There are a lot of police officers out today separating the two groups. There are also fences all around civic center park keeping the two groups apart. The far-left group here right now is shouting “the only good cop is a dead cop” #9News
There are a couple hundred people on either side. They’re separated by fences very far apart as well as a line of police officers facing the far-left side. One side is now chanting “USA, USA” while the other side is chanting “black lives matter” #9News
A line of police officers kneel down to put on gas masks, perhaps foreshadowing what’s to come. The officers are lined up in front of a line of far-left groups organized by the Denver communists #9News
BREAKING: I saw at least one person shot as the rally was ending. I heard one gun shot. At least one person being arrested nearby #9News
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