how to be kind to yourself (a thread)
this sounds stupid but i’m saying this based on the therapy session i had today and i think some of y’all could use it.
be mindful of what you say. your thoughts are not facts but when you constantly call yourself stupid or dumb, they become a belief system. the next time you catch yourself saying stuff like that take a deep breath, it should bring you back to reality.
add “at times” to your derogatory statements towards yourself. “i am stupid at times” “i’m silly at times” it’s okay to be stupid and silly sometimes.
apologise to yourself. for me personally, calling myself a dumb bitch has become involuntary, so start apologizing to yourself right after if you can’t actively stop yourself from using names.
this works very very well and it’s rather common too. talk to yourself like you would with a loved one. you wouldn’t call them stupid for making an inane mistake. you would tell them that it’s okay and it is. practice it everyday, in the mirror or however you’re comfortable.
you’re allowed to make mistakes and you’re allowed to occupy space. you’re allowed to act on an impulse and you’re allowed to regret it later. be nicer to yourself, please.
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