Apparently Drawfee has a handful of vocal conservative "fans" and they did not appreciate the couple minutes we spent on Monday's stream when we said mean stuff about Tim Allen. Guess you can't please everyone 🙃
It's always interesting to see members of the "fuck your feelings" "no safe spaces" party suddenly become very interested in open mindedness towards "different opinions" whenever they are met with the tiniest bit of social opprobrium
The thing about being a republican in 2020 is we've all had four years to see who and what you are willing to support. The "difference of opinions" line doesn't really work anymore.
You are free to lie to yourself and others about what your party stands for but we are under no obligation to entertain those lies or make you feel comfortable for believing them.
I would argue that if you identify as a member of the party whose leader openly promotes white supremacy, you aren't really a "fan" of mine given how little you value my actual life.
Anyways if you are a Drawfee fan and not one of the people this thread is about, sorry for interrupting your scroll with my venting. Felt acute frustration, might delete later.
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