reminder that THIS is what jae himself experienced. it's not his fault if jyp doesn't treat all of his artists equally but for j, this happened at a dark time for him. this is why he said what he said. its fine if you disagree, but his experience and opinion is still valid.
yes he should have worded it better, but that doesn't mean u can twist his words.

jae has ALWAYS vocally supported people from all walks of life. he's been louder about it than any of your favourite kpop idols. he's literally heading a campaign now on mental health awareness.
context is everything. jae streamed for 5h today and talked about everything. at one point, people kept spamming his chat with "jyp sucks", which was why he spoke up. it wasn't unprovoked. so unless u know the full situation of what happened, pls stop making wild accusations.
and in case yall think mydays are just blindly defending him, let me assure you that majority of us hate jyp too and some are disappointed in what jae said. but antis twisting his words to make him seem like a problematic jerk simply isn't it.
and bc apparently I have to make it SUPER CLEAR:

I don't support what j said. I'm disappointed too. but antis are taking the chance to paint him as problematic because jyp is, and that isn't right. he's not perfect, but he doesn't deserve to be cancelled for the wrong reasons
oh and one last thing?? jae's sarcastic as hell. he's always been since day 1. interpret that as you will.

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