Butchers Arms FC squad members and hangers-on as murderers.
A thread. https://twitter.com/s_hall_teach/status/1314822627140272130
John Lines. OJ Simpson. Guilty AF. Gets away with it. Flees the scene at very low speed.
James Blackburn. Dennis Nielsen. He didn’t shag them. He just wanked off over their corpses.
James Cattell. Fred West. Has the wild eyes of someone with more bones than soil in the garden.
Steve Boroumand. Rose West. Prone to fits of rage. James Cattell is inseparable from Steve.
Alex Stebbings. Jihadi John. Just look at him man!
Sean Kelly. Levi Bellfield. Unrepentant. Pure evil. Always gets a round in, so not all bad.
Jack Lines. Myra Hindley’s hair.
Paul Moore. Harold Shipman. Seemingly wholesome pillar of society. Totally but secretly off his tits all the time. Good at collecting the money in.
James Wheadon. Colin Ireland. Not keen on the gay stuff.
Stephen and Craig Fisher. Ronnie & Reggie Kray. Brutal, but only to them wot deserves it. Respectful to their parents etc...
Adam Smith. Jeffrey Dahmer. Just needs to be loved. Has a rest after each murder before the dissection of the bodies. Readily tired.
Jak Penny. Aileen Wuornos. “I’ve hated humans for a long time”.
Brian. Charles Manson. The original influencer
No idea what inspired this thread...
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