Coming Out Day is tomorrow.

I remember when I came out. I was 20 & tired. I'd spent the last decade trying to pull off the straight-dude thing, controlled by fear of being discovered & abandoned.

Coming out was a relief. No longer living in secrecy was freeing & better. But,
This new life didn't do for me what I had expected it to do. I thought it would be the ultimate resolve, the path to wholeness & happiness. But I wasn't whole or happy. Being "true to me" didn't lead to a life of peace.

What led to that was something entirely different.
And that something was repentance toward God. When God gave me a new heart & I departed from my sin-feasting paths, I began to taste the God-sized kind of joy that actually satisfied my soul's cravings. This is what I was made for. Knowing God and his Son is what I was made for.
Satisfying sinful sexual appetites isn't the way. Being true to yourself or proudly LGBTQ+ isn't the way. The only way to real life is faith in & submission to the crucified & resurrected Son of God.

If you plan on coming out tomorrow, will you consider coming to Jesus instead?
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