From time to time the discussion on patient-centered care vs EBM and the use of placebo interventions pops up. There are some who argue that as long as we are open about placebo effects, limited/no support in research and as long as we do all the other things it´s fine or 1/7
even good to use the pt preferred placebo intervention.

While I do get the argument of building a therapeutic alliance, informed consent and meeting pt preferences. And I do see the point of doing that to get the pt to do the other things you really wanna focus on. 2/7
I strongly disagree with this approach. I think our role as healthcare professionals is not to do whatever the pt wants as long as they are informed and it causes no bodily harm. No, in fact I think our role is to use evidence-based methods and work with the pt to try . 3/7
and adapt and individualize those methods. To inform of what options we have to work with and what options are not on the table. I do not think we should do whatever. I think this reasoning has the potential of devaluating our profession and lead us down a bad road. 4/7
Pt wants some faith healing, hell it doesn't cause bodily harm and as long as I explain the lack of plausibility and evidence lets go for it! Crystals?? Same thing!

How is this different from using k-tape, cupping, needling, or whatever else we like to throw at pts? 5/7
As many physios have said before me. We are not here to just provide whatever service the pt wants. There are others that do that. We have to draw the line somewhere or IMO we have no place working within healthcare. 6/7
Sometimes maybe we have to disappoint a pt or go against their preference. I think that is part of being a professional healthcare worker. Cheers if you got this far, and feel free to share your thoughts on this. 7/7
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