A Conspiracy Thread: The Rabbit Hole
When someone gets introduced to the realm of conspiracy theories it’s often said that they’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. But why is this? It seems that ever since Alice in Wonderland came out, rabbit holes have been associated with portals to another world.
Studying conspiracy theories certainly will take you to another world. It will flip your perception of reality upside down, which, in a way, will take you to a world full of wonder. A world where there are more questions than answers and the truth is stranger than fiction.
But why rabbits? The three hares are a symbol that pop up in ancient cultures all over the world. It’s origins are unknown and scholars are still trying to decipher the meaning of it. However, it is thought to have mystical associations with fertility and the lunar cycle.
In Japanese and Korean mythology, rabbits are thought to live on the moon where they spend their time making rice cakes. In Chinese folklore, rabbits are thought to accompany Chang’e the Moon goddess, where they guard the elixir of life, a potion that grants eternal youth.
But what is this potion and why would it be found on the moon? In some traditions, the elixir of life is also called the food of the gods. Apparently this magical substance is how the gods live forever. Supposedly if mortals ever ate this food, they too would become immortal.
In Greek mythology, the food of the gods was called ambrosia. However, before the gods discovered ambrosia, it was written that they would sustain themselves by sniffing the vapors of their dead enemies. Many ancient gods also required human sacrifice. This sounds like vampirism.
In order to appease the Moon goddess, many ancient cultures would dip eggs in blood and place them on an altar. This is where the Easter tradition originated from. People dyed eggs red to symbolise Christ’s blood. We now paint them and wait for the Easter Bunny to hide them.
The moon goddess, as well as rabbits, are typically associated with fertility and sex. A woman’s menstrual cycle, or the time it takes for an egg to be released, is linked to the lunar cycle. The word menstruation comes from Latin and Greek words that mean month and moon.
Ironically, in Zulu mythology, the Moon itself is compared to an egg. The Zulu people believe the Moon was brought here many years ago by the water brothers. According to legend, the brothers stole the moon from a dragon, which was actually an egg they emptied out to make hollow.
When the water brothers brought the Moon to Earth, it caused the cataclysm that ended the Golden Age. Many Greek philosophers spoke about a time before the Moon as well, one of them being Aristotle. Scientists have also discovered the moon is 85 million years younger than Earth.
Some scientists are also beginning to wonder if the Moon is hollow. In 1969, Apollo astronauts placed seismometers on the lunar surface in order to study what the Moon’s core is made of. However, they were shocked when they found moonquakes cause the Moon to ring like a bell.
Scientists also recently discovered the Moon is rusting. Even before all these discoveries, conspiracy theorists have said the Moon is a spaceship. Some even claim it is some kind of soul trap or portal that wipes our memories and forces us to reincarnate after we leave Earth.
Perhaps it is both, and whatever is inside it is an advanced technology that operates in higher dimensions like the astral plane. But why do the gods want to keep us trapped in the wheel of reincarnation? Are human beings the food of the gods? Is the fountain of youth within us?
There are many movies that seem to treat the moon like a soul trap. Even the Dream Works logo depicts a man on the moon fishing for souls. The only reason I bring up movies in so many of my threads is because I believe art is an expression of the collective unconscious.
Perhaps knowledge we are not consciously aware of, things we once knew but have long forgotten, are stored in our DNA. There is actually scientific evidence that seems to back up the idea of genetic memory in the works of biologists Stuart A. Newman and Gerd B. Müller
In the movie AI, a fake moon is used to trick humanoid robots. In the direction of the real moon, there is a city where robots are free. However, the fake moon is a magnet that captures obsolete robots and takes them to a place where they are tortured for human’s entertainment.
In The Truman Show, the protagonist unknowingly goes about his daily life on the set of a reality tv show. At the end, he ends up finding the exit door of his artificial world and discovers the director, who has been orchestrating his life from a watchtower disguised as the Moon.
According to some conspiracy theorists, the Moon is what keeps us trapped in the matrix. Supposedly, frequencies being broadcast from the hexagon on Saturn are amplified through the hollow structure of the Moon, keeping humanity trapped in a holographic projection.
NASA has actually said radio waves emanate from Saturn's North Pole, and they sound really creepy. If you are not familiar with Saturn’s hexagon, please take note of the depiction of Saturn’s North Pole in this video.
Some scientists agree with the theory that we’re living in a hologram. According to quantum physicists, the building blocks of our universe behave as if they are two dimensional, yet we experience the universe as if it is three dimensional.
The same way two dimensional quantum bits make up our physical universe, information encoded onto a flat surface, like a microchip or CD, can be used to simulate a three dimensional world inside of a computer.
Cymatics has shown that a low frequency sine tone can create a hexagon. Because of this, some speculate a highly advanced machine is emitting this frequency from inside of Saturn. Ironically, a sine wave is abbreviated as sin. Sin is also the name of a Mesopotamian moon god.
In Greek mythology, Saturn was known as the god of time. Is Saturn’s sine wave the time wave? Oddly enough, many movies show a link between Saturn, the Moon, rabbits, and time travel. In Alice in Wonderland, it‘s the White Rabbit that carries around around a giant pocket watch.
In the movie In the Shadow of the Moon, a rift in space and time opens up every nine years during a Blood Moon. A Blood Moon is when the Moon is in a total lunar eclipse and appears red. In the movie Donnie Darko, a demonic rabbit guides a teenager to knowledge about time travel.
Conspiracy theorists accuse CERN, the largest particle accelerator in the world, of being a time machine or portal. Ironically, scientists at CERN nicknamed one of their experiments ALICE and have even expressed interest in building a bigger particle collider on the Moon.
Many supposed whistleblowers have come out claiming to have inside info about a secret government operation called Project Looking Glass. Apparently the aim of the project was to achieve time travel. Ironically, the name is a reference to the second Alice in Wonderland book.
But why do The Powers That Be want to create time travel? Perhaps, like Truman, their real aim is to find the exit door of the matrix. Perhaps they are subject to the demands of the gods too. Maybe they are trapped in the wheel of reincarnation just like us.
Is this why The Powers That Be lust after the food of the gods? So they can live long enough to figure out how to escape? Oddly enough, in the movie Doctor Sleep, a cult of demonic beings kidnap children so they can torture them and sniff a vapor they produce called the Shine.
The Moon seems to be the key to understanding how to leave the simulation. Remember that in the movie The Matrix, in order for Neo to find his way out of the digital world, he must follow The White Rabbit.
If the Moon really is keeping us trapped in the matrix, perhaps this is why the United States Air Force developed Project A119 in 1958, a top secret plan to nuke the moon. They claimed the aim of the operation was to answer astronomy’s mysteries.
In the 2001, NASA said they wanted to move Earth to a new position in our solar system. Yes they really said this. They claimed they could achieve this by redirecting asteroids around Earth’s orbit and towards, you guessed it, Saturn.
The asteroids would then boomerang back around, and their gravitational pull would tug on the Earth, moving it away from the Sun. NASA said they wanted to move our planet in order to battle climate change. But are they really just trying to get out of the Saturn-Moon Matrix?
Michael Tsarion, an occult researcher, claims Earth is currently quarantined from the rest of the universe. Supposedly, we are fenced in by something called a Stargate. He says John Dee, a famous mathematician and channeler, was given instructions to open the Stargate by aliens.
Supposedly, in order to open the Stargate, humans had to learn how to create matter out of energy. However, this was too complex for us to learn all at once, so first we had to learn to create energy out of matter, and then reverse engineer the process.
Apparently this was accomplished with the invention of the atomic bomb. However, it was recently announced that CERN made matter out of light. So what does this mean? Are The Powers That Be about to open the Stargate?
Some conspiracy theorists claim at some point soon, a portal will open in the sky. This theory is known as the Plasma Apocalypse theory. I’m not saying this theory is true, but it is interesting nonetheless.
There are many versions of the Plasma Apocalypse theory, but the portal is typically associated with a planetary alignment or solar eclipse. I now find the eclipse theory most plausible and there are many synchronicities in pop culture that seem to confirm this as well.
In Tales from the Loop, there’s a mysterious object made of hexagons known as The Eclipse that‘s capable of transporting people through time. A physics lab called The Loop is built around it to study it’s strange effects. The Loop seems to be a reference to Saturn’s rings.
In The Quiet Earth, a scientist creates a global energy grid that causes everyone on Earth to disappear. The event begins with the sun turning red then black, similar to a solar eclipse. After trying to reverse its effects, he finds himself in a world with Saturn in the sky.
But what are we supposed to do about any of this? In an episode of Star Trek, a crew of space explorers land on a mysterious planet inhabited by Alice in Wonderland characters.
Once they encounter their own worst fears and fantasies they realize an advanced technology below the planet’s surface is materializing whatever they think about. The leader of the crew orders everyone to pay attention and stop thinking.
In order to get out of the rabbit hole, sometimes all you need is mindfulness. Enjoy the simple things. Don’t stress over what can’t be changed. Ironically, while writing this thread today, I took a break and came across this.
However, I wouldn’t have seen it if I wasn’t being mindful. It’s little things like this that let me know I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. Follow the synchronicities. Follow The White Rabbit. And if you’re scared, remember Alice wakes up in the end and you will too.
If you enjoyed this thread and want to learn more about Saturn and it’s role in the matrix, send me a DM and ask me how to purchase. This will be the last time I make this offer before I release my new book. Thanks for reading!
Wow, just realized an Easter egg is a 0. If you’ve read my thread about the 101 Gateway you may have noticed the 3 divinities standing in the Rose Window. Is this a reference to the three hares?
In Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, a time machine comes out of a portal in the sky near a Circle K.

Circle = 0
K = 11th letter

101 Gateway

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