It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay , so I’d like to take a second a talk about mental health, both my own and in general
After getting out of an unbelievably toxic relationship my freshman year of college, I sought help for the first time. I was afraid of the thoughts swirling around in my head. I didn’t recognize the person I was. I’m so glad I did.
My doctor told me I was suffering from a pretty severe case of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and I should be on medication to help treat the chemical imbalance. He also recommended I seek out a therapist to further help curb my struggles. I did one of those two things.
The medication, while putting a considerable amount of weight on me, helped me feel normal. For years I said medication was a cop out. “Suck it up.” “Get over it.” What an immature mindset I had. The medication didn’t change me, it made me ME again.
While continuing to combat my anxiety, I started to notice myself experience other issues. That came to a head in spring of 2017 after finishing my worst semester of college both academically and mentally.
I went back to the doctor and he told me I was suffering from depression, and probably had been for some time. He put me on an additional medication and again advised that I seek out help from a therapist. Again, I only started using the additional medication.
While both of the medications I was (and am still) now on helped tremendously, I still struggled. Some days where great, but other days I wound up stuck in my bed, not even really having a desire to eat. I ignored friends and family at times. I still wasn’t right.
Fast forward to spring of this year, and I finally decided to bring a therapist into the mix, as well as start taking some additional steps towards my mental and emotional well-being. I can honestly say I have never made a decision that has benefited me so much.
I have never felt better from an emotional and mental standpoint in my life. But it has taken me YEARS to get here. It has taken GROWTH to get here. It has taken me sitting with myself and admitting when I need assistance, and there is ZERO shame in that.
No matter where you are on your mental health journey, whether you’re just starting or a seasoned vet, be patient with yourself. There’s no timetable or roadmap to mental health. You just have to go with the flow and keep going, through the bad days and the good days.
I have been blown away by the support I have gotten from my friends and family over the years, so the least I can offer is this: you are so incredibly loved. You have more people in your corner than you realize. You can do this.
I hope this thread can positively impact just ONE person. If it does, then I can sleep well knowing I made a difference in someone’s life, even if it’s just for a day.

Be kind. Love one another. Be good humans. #WorldMentalHealthDay
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