2/ Gender criticism for me =criticism of the SYSTEM that foists gendered norms/expectations on the sexes to maintain and enforce male supremacy, and criticism of the ideological movement that denies reality of sex-based oppression and seeks to remove sex-based rights/protections.
3/ Gender criticism for me is NOT criticism of people who perform/strive to perform sex-based stereotypes, whether of their own or opposite sex (aka nearly everyone on the planet).

I critique the structures and the movement pushing this oppression. NOT the people it pushes.
4/ EVERYONE is pressured to conform to, and is limited and constricted by, sex-role stereotypes.

ALL of us are damaged by this socialisation, and many of us internalise this damage.

Blaming people for internalising gendered expectations = victim-blaming.
5/ Women/girls who shave, wax, or starve themselves to conform to gendered expectations are performing sex-role stereotypes.
So are those who have botox or surgery to look 'youthful', + those who prioritise men in their life - deferring, placating, serving and catering to them.
6/ Gender criticism is not about condemning women/girls who conform to or perform sex-role stereotypes, and making them outcasts.
Nor is it about condemning or casting out people who "perform" the sex-role stereotypes of the opposite sex.
7/ Gender criticism is a movement for everyone - against the rebranding of old-fashioned misogyny as new progressive/liberal 'cause du jour'.

The fight is against the ideology, the movement, and the structures behind this regressive and repressive backlash against feminism.
8/ The fight is NOT against the people harmed and crushed, limited and constrained, pushed and prodded and made to feel shit about themselves by the socially constructed gender prescriptions foisted on each of the two sexes.

Those people are US.
9/ Demanding everyone throws off the chains of sex-role stereotypes or be scorned and outcast will not protect women’s rights.
Instead, it will alienate nearly everybody.

Such a movement is a niche movement that only those 'untainted' by gender norms can join.

Who are they?
10/ I don't believe anyone can fully break the chains of sex-role stereotypes and escape gendered expectations imposed on the sexes until we overthrow the use of gender as a tool to maintain sex-based oppression.

So why the sneering and snarling at others similarly encumbered?
11/ Why should women who conform to sex-role stereotypes be allowed in our movement, if those who conform to the stereotypes of the opposite sex are excluded?

Seems to me this is a massive misinterpretation of gender criticism.
12/ Here's my definition of gender criticism.
It doesn't stigmatise, blame, ridicule, scorn or cast out people for being affected by their socialisation in our very imperfect world.

Trans-critical is not the same as gender critical.
I want no part of the trans critical movement.
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