Hocus Pocus lied to me.

I thought every day leaving high school was gonna be kids woohooing and shooting silly string randomly into the air.

It’s way sadder than that.
Oh my god how did I forget villainous evil teenage discount Jay & Silent Bob.
I’m not 100% sure Max’s parents didn’t move from California out of shear fear he was on a wreckless path of bong rips & surfer shorts and it was either this or military school.
This is the best gif I’ve seen in months. https://twitter.com/jasonmeowthew/status/1314982036751503360
How weirdly intimate is stealing the new kids shoes so you can wear them.

Like that guy is gonna grow up and get into some weird shit.
I would have loved to see the kids in Hocus Pocus take on the demons in Signs.
Allison’s parents fancy rich people Halloween is hilarious.

For Halloween we dress like the days when we could kill the poor freely for sport.

Juxtapose that with the TRASHY ass costume Max’s mom is in later. LOLLLLLLLLLL
No bigger flex than lighting a candle made of hung criminal fat on Halloween night to prove your virginity.
Wow. Amazing how we’ve all but abandoned the “virgin teen” plot device in kids movies these days.

Being a virgin was like THE THING to be as a kids movie hero back in the day.
The Hocus Pocus Bus Driver would be cancelled so hard if he was a real guy.
A huge Binx blow up Home Depot tacky yard ornament for Halloween would be amazing.

Would work both inflated and deflated.

You could replay that traumatic time you first saw a dead road kill cat in a film that’s forever scared in your brain.
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