consider rival fic writers shuake: a thread

they're both well known writers in the featherman fandom, though goro's been here for way longer than ren. goro was already extremely popular, but somehow they both end up working on a fic with the same concept
this causes rens popularity to skyrocket and goro is /furious/, how dare this rookie writer get so much popularity in so little time when goro had to work for it for years. it's even worse when he stole HIS idea even though there's no way he would've known what he was working on
ren on the other hand is VERY intrigued by goro, he's been a fan of his works for ages and felt extremely amused by the fact that they wrote similar fics. instead of being turned off by this, he takes this opportunity to contact him on Twitter and try to get close
goro is NOT having this though, he always leaves ren on read or responds with a snappy tone but ren isn't fazed, he keeps trying anyways. goro is already planning out a fic that'll surely bring the attention away from ren because he'll be DAMNED if this rookie is better than him
this goes back and forth for a while, both of them releasing fics more frequently to try and one up the other with ren still trying to get goro's attention
one day goro caves and decides to read one of rens works to see what the FUCK is so special about him and feels his blood freeze when he sees that the attention isn't undeserved, his style is actually rly captivating and his descriptions/dialogue were immersive like nothing else
so he gives ren a chance, reaches out to him just this once (or so he tells himself) to give him a review on the fic, praising as much as criticizing sections that could've been written better
ren is ECSTATIC. he would not stop yelling to ann about how someone he admired actually knew he existed and uses the criticism to better his writing
they don't know when or how, but they start talking more often and actually become friends, talking about completely unrelated topics and sending posts that reminded them of the other.
they become so close to the point where they actually consider a multichapter fic collab, switching between ren and goro's writing with every chapter and quite predictably the fandom goes INSANE when they actually start working on it

,,,, now I wanna write this oh my god
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