To dropship & smol online seller,

Korang rasa give up tak? Korang rasa tak tahu nak mula mana? Korang blur nak kena buat apa bila mula niaga? Korang tak reti nak promote barang? Korang taktahu macam mana nak buat caption? Korang dah lama takde sale? #lklsharetips

Let me help.
1) Bila dah start niaga, kena fikir balik WHY start niaga.

The big WHY will push you and ngl, my big WHY always push min till this day. So ask yourself, what is your BIG why? WHY DID YOU STARTED YOU BUSINESS?
Your business* yeet maaf typo🤣

2) Set up your online store!

Be it instagram, facebook, shopee, lazada, e-bay, twitter etc

BUILD YOUR ONLINE STORE! Let them see you are selling your products, keep posting! Hardselling! Show off your products!
3) Promote your products!

Makesure gambar cantik & catchy, your caption must be simple if you are doing hardselling & if you are more to softselling, write a good content.

Contoh caption:

Hardselling: [Nama produk] [Harga] [Ciri-ciri]

4) Make your shop accessible!

Huh apa tu?!!

Maksudnya, potential buyers senang nak contact dengan you untuk tanya pasal produk. Contohnya:

Letak link ws/linktree
Ready catalogue siap siap
DM to order
5) Keep it simple guys!

Jangan bagi details panjang berjela kat cust! Dont dont, nobody have time for that! Bila cust tanya, jawab exactly apa dia nak!

👉🏼Saya nak tengok gambar sisi tudung - (bagi gambar straight away)

👉🏼Saya nak account number - (bagi account number!)

If boleh, type out the account number. Mudahkan kerja dia! 😂 Contoh:


Thanks for believing [nama kedai you]

For payment : [Account Number & Bank]

Do screenshot or snap the online receipt/ receipt after payment. The order will not proceed without the payment proof.
6) Followers < Sale

I know followers penting bila berbisnes, it gives a powerful impact on how trusted you are

But please focus on sale. You are online seller, you sell value & products. If you sell both of that, followers & sale will come to you. Trust me.

Tapi min apa maksud value?

Value yang min maksudkan ni something yang valuable from you. Contohnya you share pasal apa yang you expert, apa yang you minat, apa yang you tahu, apa yang you boleh buat. Basically you are selling you in a good way.
7) Separate personal & business

Never mix this two, even in work pun. Be professional & absolute.

Nak gaduh? Nak mengumpat? Nak spill tea? Personal account. Keep your business space clean & clear for your potential buyer.
8) IMPROVE YOURSELF along the way

Bila you rasa penat berbisnes, berehat.
Bila you rasa down, seek for motivation.
Bila you rasa ada problem, identify>adapt>improvise>solve.

Improve together with your business, jangan down lama sangat ya! 🥳
9) Don't waste your money!

I mean okay if you wanna look one of a kind but whats the point bb if you tak dapat sale? 😅

Simplify your packaging, recognize what you need, optimize your budget, always go simple instead pening kepala nak look different.

Sure you mesti nak untung banyak bila berbisnes kan? But like life, business has ups and downs too.

The most hardship you will face is to maintain the momentum of your business. If you see business as profit only, you will go down & stop. But if you-

But if you see business as a journey, you will enjoy every moment of it. The planning, the packaging, the profit, the loss, every thing.

So change your perspective! And be better!
End of thread! Anyone wanna add, min persilakan. Jangan malu-malu!

Nak mengadu? Nak pendapat? Nak tips? Hit me up! #lklthread
You can follow @lilkeepluna.
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