Story Time. (so several posts in this thread)...
I've been involved in "discussions" of late w/CoVID/Climate alarmists, socialist supporters, & some pretty unwell folks. But, some of them ARE scientists. Some are even PhDs. They stand on this system of "peer review". Well,
/2 for a while now, America has been stunted in its innovation growth. Compared to the world, USA is is not leading the way in scientific research ... even though we're supposedly packed w/PhDs. The map: countries leading innovation:
/3 So, I was at an SBIR conference a few years back, it was Q&A time, & it was getting heated. The audience was trying to figure out under peer reviewed criteria, who the NIH, NSF, DOE, & others considered to be worthwhile submitters of ideas. It was not going well...
/4 An old man, in his 60's, multiple tables away from me raised his hand & asked, "So, you're telling me that if I, an old man, with no degree, no college, but a farmer, using chemistry and working with real scientists, have found a way to stop cancer ...
/5 and we tested it over & over again with undeniable proof, & we wanted an SBIR loan to help us identify the chemistry of how the cure was working, to market it, patent it, & start saving lives, because I'm no PhD or scholar like you gentlemen, you wouldn't consider it?"

A room of 2800 people grew dead quiet. The panel grew pale white & dead quiet.

Without skipping a beat, the panelist answered:
/7 "No."

Old man: "Even if it worked & I had proof & was coming to you for help with my business idea?"

NIH: "Maybe if you had one of your scientists submit the proposal, with their name and PhD on it, we'd consider it. Otherwise, it's a matter of expertise."
/8 The DOE spoke up: "We have to consider first, that we're funding real science. So, we have to consider the source. Maybe you'll claim that you invented warp speed, but unless you have the knowledge how to do that, it's a hard sell."

Another hand shot up ... a younger man...
/9 same table:
"So, you're telling me, that if this old guy has the cure for cancer, he's not a scientist, but if a PhD told you they invented a theory that they could possibly invent warp speed, you'd fund it?"

The panelists nodded, folded their arms.

The young man continued
/10 "I'm gonna tell all of you now, that I am a scientist. I have a PhD, and that's a bunch of bullshit."

Voices raised, ppl walked out, the crowd had to be hushed. The NSF spoke, "Look, maybe if you're not a qualified researcher but you have a good idea, you can submit
/11 it to us & we'd consider it."
Young man, "But only if he was a PhD ... otherwise, you would not fund it under your criteria for peer review, correct?"

Silence once more.

"That's correct."

Voices raised, people walked out galore.

"are there... are there any more
/12 questions?" they asked?

Out of 2000+ people that drove hundreds upon hundreds of miles to be there ... nothing.

At that same conference, we presented to the DOE liaison the number of grant submissions for a particular design & the supposedly "qualified" reviewer comments...
/13 He turned pale white & was stunned. "Are these... are these really the review comments?"
"Please forward all of this to me ... oh my God, this is ... well, I can't tell you guys anything, but this needs to be looked into."

"We know. That's why we're here."
/14 The moral of this story:

Those who stand solely upon peer review of a good ol' boys club, are fox's guarding the hen house. Innovation, cures, & new opportunities in the world have been lost because of this "club" that has been created.
/15 our taxpayer $$ is supposed to go to innovation that benefits us all. Make no mistake, it doesn't. Greedy scientists who only care about the $$ are running it. They are backed by the DNC thru fearmongering things like CoVID & climate change.
It's your world. Your $$. Your lives. Your future.

Thought you should know.

Cheers! 😁
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