#EndSARS I was on my way home from Ikeja when SARS stopped me. They asked for the contents in my handbag and I answered them politely saying I had 2 phone and some cash(I didn’t tell them the amount cos I was conscious of them). Then one of them asked me why I use two phones 👇👇
And forced to search my bag. At first, I resisted but gave in, cos they had guns and were brutal in looks. They found the money(20k), my ATM and my other phone. They took everything and asked me if I had any money in my account. I said no(I was so scared...
The money in my account was my school fees, as School resumes on Monday). They took my to Ecobank at Ikeja and the one on mufti followed me to the atm point to check my balance. I was shaking, I couldn’t speak or signal anyone around cos I was scared for my life. 👇👇👇👇
They threatened to kill me if I spoke to anyone. The other four stayed back, a distance apart while one followed me to the atm point. After I entered my pin and he saw #120,000 in my account, he called one of them and told him. They asked me to withdraw everything leaving...
Nothing. I stood still for some minutes and was dumbfounded. What would I tell my parents, how would I resume? I was between life and death. I was left with no option. While withdrawing, I tried to place a call to my brother without making it obvious. But the SARS officer...
Found out and told me not to tried anything stupid. After withdrawing all the money which he kept in a backpack, he told me to smile while he walked me back to join the others. One of them said “Na this kind people we want, sharp sharp”. They took me in their Kowope bus and ...
Dropped me at Egbeda. I had never been that shocked my whole life. I stood at the bus stop for a long time before I could get myself. I had to call my brother to pick me up cos I couldn’t move. I still couldn’t get over the shock till I got home and started crying. ...
I’m both emotionally and mentally depressed right now. I lost my iPhone 7 Plus and #140,000 Naira in total to this fraudsters!!!! How would I resume in this devastated state. SARS know no gender, anyone can be a visit! #EndSARS 😭😭😭😭
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